Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Three Questions For Lo'renzo Hill-White

      The 3 questions I ask to my friends and people in my life when they visit my studio

   My guest:                     Lo'renzo Hill-White
   Reason of the visit:    To choose a dress for Tinsley Mortimer's visit to an NYC event.

  Lo'renzo Hill-White
My 3 questions to Lorenzo

Lo'renzo Hill-White is:
      -Obsessed with fashion. I love it. I wear it. I always want it.

Your ultimate NYC moment: 
      -was my drive from Laguardia Airport into the city... I was looking out of the window at this beautiful place that I had been to a zillion times in my life, but this time it was a more exciting and surreal feeling... as this time I was finally able to call NY my home.

Your fashion quote:
     -Everything looks much better with clear skin, great shoes, and great attitude.

Tinsley Mortimer wearing a dress from my SS'12 collection, styled by Lo'renzo Hill-White


1 comment:

  1. This dress is beyond gorgeous! Where can I buy it?

    Thank you for sharing your 3 questions!
